
Leaving an Abusive Relationship: 4 Ways to Protect Yourself

Abuse in a relationship is a serious issue for many reasons, and the possibility of dangerous, or even fatal, violence is one of them. Experiencing physical, mental, emotional or any other type of abuse is not normal in a relationship. Once you’ve decided to leave, you need to know ways to protect yourself to ensure that your exit plan runs smoothly.

Before You Leave

When you have time to prepare to leave the relationship, let someone know when and what you are planning to do. Give this person an exact time and ask him or her to call you if you do not check in by that point. You should also establish a bank account that is in your name only so that you have money that your abusive partner cannot touch. Also, determine if you will take your children and pets with you when you go or if you will send them ahead of you. Even if you think you are the only one in danger, it is best to be prepared. Speak with a lawyer so that your significant other cannot say that you kidnapped the children. Additionally, make sure you have a safe place to go. Don’t be afraid to tell loved ones what is happening and to let them help you.

Protecting Yourself When You Leave

Finding out that you are leaving could cause an already aggressive spouse to become even more enraged. If you need to leave in the heat of the moment and didn’t have time to prepare, get out as quickly as you can. Try to call the police on your way or alert neighbors to reduce the chance of violent action against you. When you have prepared in-advance for the leave, ask someone to be with you. You can also pack up and leave when your abusive significant other is not home to avoid confrontation.

Short-Term Protection After

In time immediately following your departure, you want to ensure that all legal issues, especially in regard to your children, are addressed. Furthermore, if you are planning to return to the home and your significant other is going to leave, you absolutely must change all of the locks. Consider installing an alarm system and cameras so that you can monitor the property, and ask a family member or friend to stay with you for awhile. You should also look into an order of protection against the abusive significant other and file charges with the police if necessary.

Long-Term Protection After

Although it may seem as though the situation is never going to settle, the pieces will eventually fall into place. Getting your day-to-day life back together can be challenging, especially if you have just experienced a long custody battle or legal battle. Make the moves that are best for you. For example, you might decide that starting over again in another town is a wise decision. On the other hand, you may simply want to return to your normal routine. Look for local support groups that can help you get through the situation and connect you with other people who have been victims of relationship abuse too.

Experiencing abuse in your relationship can be traumatizing, and it may take a long time before you are able to trust again. Right now, keep in mind that the most important element is protecting the safety of you and your family and ensuring that you have a strong support system around you.

This post was provided by the Law Offices of David Michael Cantor. David Michael Cantor has over 25 years of experience practicing criminal defense in Arizona. For more information about his firm, click here:

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